Conventional toddler travel beds are usually made from some combination of polyester, PVC and synthetic foams, which are harmful to our health and the environment. The importance of choosing natural bedding for babies and children is now widely understood, and it’s no different when it comes to camp beds. PVC (used for blow up mattresses) and synthetic foams give off thousands of harmful chemicals into the air, so they’re really not the safest choice for children’s bedding. PVC is made soft and flexible using a group of chemicals called phthalates – in the UK, these chemicals faced an overnight ban for use in children’s toys in 1999 following an emergency government meeting about their health implications. However, these regulations don’t extend far enough and phthalate-laden PVC is still used in multiple children’s products. Similarly bad for indoor air pollution, polyester fabrics release millions of microplastics into the air and recent studies highlight the worrying health implications from breathing in these micro toxins.

Pure Earth Collection organic camp beds are made from 100% natural materials. We are passionate about creating a safe environment for babies and children to thrive. This is particularly important when it comes to bedding as children spend up to 50% of their time asleep. Our 100^ natural, kapok mattress provides the perfect cushioning to support a comfortable nights sleep and the organic cotton covers are machine washable.

Our toddler travel beds have been designed with practicality in mind. They’re ideal from toddlers to teens, and they’re even big enough for adults to sleep on so they make a great camp bed for parents on those nights when your kids are unwell and you need to sleep their bedroom. They come in a handy travel bag so they’re easy to pack up and chuck in the back of the car for nights away, staycations or sleepovers. By day, the camp beds turn into a cosy floor chair to create the perfect reading corner (think eco beanbag style), so they don’t require any storage space in your home. And they’re brilliant for making dens too!

We’ve even had customers taking their camp beds to hospital with them so they can have a good night’s sleep on the floor if their children have overnight stays.
These super handy, multi-functional portable kids beds are the perfect solution for health conscious families who want to tread lightly on the earth.