New Year 2025 is the perfect time to make healthier choices—not just for yourselves, but for the planet too. At Pure Earth Collection, we believe in making sustainable living accessible and practical for everyone, especially when it comes to reducing plastic use. Below are 12 easy resolutions for 2025 that protect the planet AND your little ones. Each small step can make a world of difference!
Why These Changes Matter
Research has revealed alarming insights into how microplastics and toxins infiltrate our bodies and environment. Microplastics are now found in human blood, organs, and even breast milk, with children particularly vulnerable due to their smaller size and developing systems. These pollutants also disrupt ecosystems, threaten marine life, and contribute to climate change.
By making conscious choices, you’re taking control of your family’s exposure to these harmful substances and contributing to a brighter future for the planet.
1. Remove Polyester Toys to Reduce Microplastic Exposure
Up to 60% of our microplastic exposure comes from synthetic fabrics, so starting here can present the biggest and quickest win. Polyester, acrylic, nylon and other man-made fabrics shed microplastics into the air that we breath, settle in the dust in our homes and even pass through our skin barrier into our bloodstream. Swap polyester teddies for organic toys made from natural, non-toxic materials, then move onto other fabrics like bedding, clothing and household furnishings. This one change can have a hugely positive impact on our health and the planet.
2. Ditch Single-Use Plastic
From reusable water bottles to beeswax wraps, eliminating single-use plastic is one of the simplest yet most impactful changes you can make. It keeps plastic out of oceans and landfills while reducing your family’s exposure to toxins.
3. Switch to Ocean-Friendly Swimwear
Swimwear is almost always made from plastic-based fabrics like polyester, lycra or spandex. Unfortunately, the recycled plastic fabrics often favoured by well-meaning consumers have been shown to contain much higher levels of toxic chemicals than the virgin plastics. Opt for natural and organic swimwear to protect your children from microplastic exposure and reduce pollution in our oceans.
4. Wear Non-Toxic Sunscreen
Another important swap to protect your skin and the sea! Regular sunscreens not only expose us to toxic chemicals, which become more toxic when they ‘react’ to the sun’s heat or the chemicals in a swimming pool, they can also harm marine life when they wash off in the water. Make the switch to ocean-safe, non-toxic sunscreens to keep your family and the planet healthy.
5. Choose a Renewable Energy Supplier
Power your home with clean energy by switching to a renewable energy supplier. It’s an easy way to cut your carbon footprint and support the global shift toward sustainable energy.
6. Support Sustainable Businesses
When you shop from eco-conscious brands, you’re voting with your wallet for a healthier planet. Start with our natural fabric and plastic-free shop, which features a selection of non-toxic, planet-friendly products for the whole family.
7. Shop Local or Small Businesses for Groceries
Cut down on food miles by choosing local markets or small grocery shops. Supporting these businesses reduces your carbon footprint and boosts your local economy, while also often having a higher nutritional value if the crops have been harvested more recently. And, if achievable, you can even grow some of your own food at home!
8. Invest in Durable, Long-Lasting Products
Say goodbye to the throwaway culture by choosing high-quality, durable items that will last. Whether it’s our Kids’ Travel Beds or Bamboo Sleeping Bags, durable products reduce waste and save money in the long run.
9. Buy Second-Hand or Recycle Kids’ Clothes
Extend the life of kids’ clothing by donating your old clothes, shopping second-hand or swapping with friends. When clothes outgrow their usefulness, donate or recycle them responsibly to keep them out of landfills. If they’re damaged or torn, use them for arts and crafts with your kids (teaching them to sew will help encourage them to look after their clothes in the future) or as kitchen rags for cleaning.
10. Reduce Food Waste
Plan meals, store food properly, and compost scraps to reduce food waste. Teaching children these habits early will set them up for a lifetime of sustainable living.
11. Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Many traditional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that pollute our water systems as well as the air in our homes. Opt for eco-friendly alternatives to keep your home safe. For more information on clean air in your home, check out our informative clean air blog post here.
12. Declutter and Donate
Start the year by decluttering and donating unused items to charities. It’s a meaningful way to reduce waste and support families in need.
Let’s Make 2025 the Year of Change
Every small step you take adds up to significant change. If the above are too much to take on in one go, try implementing one per month until the ned of the year. Together, let’s commit to these 12 simple resolutions, ensuring a greener planet and a healthier future for our children.
Which resolution you’ll be starting with—we’d love to hear your thoughts!