Why Pure Earth Collection remove plastics from the oceans with every purchase

This week is the Global Week for Future. That future belongs to our children. And that future depends on our planet, our home. As people gather all around the world to make a stand against climate change and Greta Thunberg addresses global leaders at this year’s Climate Action Summit, it’s clear that the politicians are failing to act upon the urgent need to protect our planet for future generations. In Greta’s heartfelt address, she pleads “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tails of eternal economic growth. How dare you?” She goes on to say “the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight”. According to organisation Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) “One marine mammal or sea bird dies every thirty seconds from plastic pollution.”
We can no longer afford to wait around for our world leaders to come up with policies to protect our beautiful planet, we must do this for ourselves and we must act fast before it is too late. Along with protecting babies from harmful synthetic toxins, protecting our planet is one of the foundations of Pure Earth Collection’s existence. This is why we go above and beyond to not only avoid, wherever possible, synthetic materials, plastics and man-made fibres (as discussed in previous posts) to ensure that over 98% of everything we create will totally biodegrade, but we also created our Cleaner Oceans Pledge to help to clean up some of the plastics already in our seas.
What Is Our Cleaner Oceans Pledge?
With every item bought from us we pledge to remove plastics from our shores and oceans on your behalf. We do this by partnering with the wonderful organisation SAS. For each sleeping bags sold, around 33 grams of plastic will be removed from the oceans, that’s around 3 plastic bottles or 110 plastic straws! Buy a blanket, and 25 grams will be gone, equivalent to five whale-clogging, turtle-smothering shopping bags, and we’ll double that for each play mat sold.
So not only do our products biodegrade and come in plastic free packaging, you’re also helping to clean up our oceans every time you shop!
Why We Chose To Do This
Recent documentaries and the work of the wonderful David Attenborough have spread global awareness of the huge scale of the plastic pollution issue our planet is currently facing. Add to that the incredible research being done by groups such as eXXpedition on micro-plastics and toxins in our oceans and it’s become a problem we can no longer afford to ignore.
It’s the responsibility of governments, businesses, and all of us as individuals to pull together to make sure that our children and grandchildren have a habitable planet, with thriving ecosystems, on which to live.
Anyone who visited the beach this summer will have seen the plastic litter there, even in the remotest of locations. The photo above was what we managed to collect in just five minutes on the beach in Greece. The micro-plastics in our oceans are so widespread that studies have shown almost all tested sea life to contain worrying levels of these fibres, which is having a detrimental impact on their reproductive capacity and, in some cases, survival. We have polluted our own food chain and we are only just beginning to realise what this could mean for human health and the future of our global existence.

Why We Chose Surfers Against Sewage
SAS are a grassroots movement tackling plastic pollution and protecting our coastlines. They organise beach clean-ups and help to spread awareness and education about plastic pollution and what can be done to fight this important issue. They share our passion for a plastic free world and they are doing wonderful things to help create a change.
How Much Rubbish Has Been Removed
12,000 grams of plastic! Which is around 2,400 plastic bags or over 26,000 plastic straws! Thank you to all our wonderful customers for helping us to clean up all this plastic waste from our oceans.
Shop our shop our plastic-free and non-toxic baby products here.
Show your support for the Global Week For Future this week by donating directly to Surfers Against Sewage here.
Follow the amazing and inspiring Greta Thunberg on Instagram here.
Lean about the work of eXXpedition here.